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Eat. Sleep Play. Repeat ( Vacation Mood ON ) xιιaoяaιиy - 10/12/14

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Issue ! I got it

Yeah ! It's has been a while ...
finally I got an opportunity to attend one's wedding dinner . hohoho** ( shouldn't you give me a clap ?? ) :P 
of course , not forget to send my congratulations to the just married couple.

It must be not easy for a girl to accept a propose without sufficient trust, rapport and most importantly the power of  loves. 

so , congratulations !!! :) you must have done a good job , guy !
there were 8 cuisine in total last night.
I was so full but the food was surprisingly good.
the only photo I took for the food was
 the pork's ribs with abalone. XDDD

Ps : it's just as smooth as a baby's butt ... really  Lolllllll


** few selfie(s) with my hubby (my sis) and my mum , ^^V

too bad my another sister unable to attend as she unable to make time for the wedding dinner at JB.
ya , I know Studies always comes 1st. ( cruel fact , but it is pointless to deny that )
and  I am regrettably to tell that selca I took with my bro was with my sister. haha
my butt is not that light enough by asking here and there... tired enough .. SIGH **

how adorable my uncle 2 years big's daughter
well , I can say that she really succeeded to catch my attention.
Awww :X

and I had this Kuey Tiew Laksa as my breakfast for the next morning. @JB
( thumbs up for its taste )

and have Domino as our dinner after we rushed back from JB --- to SG --- then Malacca :D
haha, I ordered hawaiian chicken and chicken pepperoni and got the bread stix FREE.
{ just because we are Domino's regular customer . shhhh** }

I know it's awesome , yeah...
but then take good control of your chin your saliva your mouth!! Wahaha :DDDD

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Issue - 我往从前走, 你往未来飞

went for an outing with my former classmate ( my lovely gang ) 
nothing special but doing usual stuffs like eating , chatting blah blah blah
really as usual , we , are always waiting each others to make a decision.
actually it's really fine for me. { I really didn't feel any uneasiness , I swear.}
Well , I was really pleased to see them are still the same , not much changes happened on them. :) they are still the one who I used to be with.
Yeah , I know it's mean for not believing them will still being like what they were.

but then , I really used to think that ..
are we really that kind of friends who is really enough by messaging or calling 
but definitely not having a meet up ?

I'm sorry to having this kind of mindset. but the truth seems like telling me something...

I'm not blaming anyone of us just .. getting a bit upset...

I will feel like is it enough for us 
just by knowing each others are doing good something like that.
is it ??

maybe I should end here.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

16个夏天 观后感

在学校放假的第二天看完了这部剧共16集的 ——16个夏天
从之前我二姐追看时我表现得一脸不屑到看第一集时也尚未对这部戏产生共鸣到后来为这对总是错过的男女主角 (杨一展 ,林心如饰)感到心疼。
哈哈 , 说真的看第一集时真心没怎么看好 …… 也不知到为何自己到后来越来越着迷
或许 , 可能 是因为 
它叙述的是对剪不断理还乱的“情人”持续的从大学时代都 后来的暧昧故事 
真心很喜欢那种一班死党常混在一起的那种感觉 。 哦,我可以肯定的是插曲就对为部剧加分不少
这部剧是从“三人帮” 去游泳池的那一天后才开始了一连串揪心的戏码
而其中的“三人帮”是由  家妮,瑞瑞 还有俊杰组成的。
所以近水楼台的韦德就时不时在家妮的身边出现 ,就这样一天一点两人心生爱意但都没勇气开口。 而向来倾心于家妮的俊杰因韦德的存在从而感到威胁所以积极发动攻势追求家妮也因此对韦德恶面相向……

十年后, 家妮毫无意外在和俊杰婚后当上了卖场经理。
在见面次数增多的情况下 , 两人对彼此埋藏已久的爱意再次寻回。
想说终于可以和家妮开始的他却在这时得知自己患了淋巴癌 ;于心不忍的他不想家妮再次面对离别的他宁愿现在就斩断他们已悄悄萌芽的恋情。
 为了不让家妮受苦,他情愿被当成众人唾弃的负心汉 , 然后又再次不辞而别。
明明爱的人就在面前但却因为一些原因而无法在一块的感觉非常强烈 , 看得我都起眼角湿湿的。
 而家妮在她爸患癌后在网上发现了一个癌症病人的部落 且非常关注其部落。

那就赶快去看《十六个夏天》吧 ! 哈哈

从以前就会幻想自己也有一个猪朋狗友党 然后常常一起用照片记录 大家一起经历过的一切一切
可能不是照片都照得那么好看 可是就真心喜欢那种照片带出来的感觉 。

然后, 我的感想是
有些事若不及时去做 ; 一旦错过了对的时机 , 就再也无法回头了。
不要总以你自己的角度去想什么对谁谁谁最好 , 你觉得的别人或许不认同 , 也不要逼着别人去接受。

最后送上16个夏天的片尾曲 —— 《以后别做朋友》

 全世界 :)
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